As a non-profit NGO, our primary focus is on making the most impact possible, which we could not achieve without the help and collaboration from our partners and the public.
Read more to understand the impact we’re making, and how you could be part of it through donating, funding or joining our networks.
Civil Society has an essential role to play in urban change. That’s why we work with grassroots cycling advocates globally, and why we need your help to support them.
Donations to BYCS go towards supporting mobility projects around the world, implemented by our networks of Bicycle Mayors and Partner organisations.
If you want to go even further and get involved yourself, you can look into the possibility of becoming a Bicycle Mayor in your city, helping find one, or joining our network of Bicycle Citizens sharing our message of liveable cities through cycling. Explore these pages to learn more.
In 2023 BYCS projects were funded by government, non-government, and philanthropic organisations.
These funds directly support the impact that we and our partners are having around the world.
If you are interested in working with BYCS, or funding BYCS core impact activities, please contact us at
Research & Pilots
We have a high level of expertise on matters of young and vulnerable cycling populations. BvLF enabled us to carry out a global survey of caregiver cycling habits, as well as funding pilot programmes targeting women caregivers cycling.
Through our Global Networks, we are able to equitably and efficiently distribute funding to on the ground implementors. UMI enabled us to support Bicycle Mayors running campaigns to raise awareness for and find Youth Bicycle Mayors in their cities.
Network Facilitation
Since BYCS' inception, we facilitate the Bicycle Mayor Network, which takes up over 30% of our resources to maintain. Where we can, we fund all costs for this network with the help of our partners.
Annual Report
Every year we report on our achievements, impact & learnings of the last 12 months, and outline our ambitions for the future. Learn more about out us through our 2022 Annual Report.
To build our capacity and maximise our impact we’re working hard to develop expertise and scope of work in the following focus areas:
Impact Measurement – Collecting, analysing and communicating the impact that we and our networks are making is crucial to maximising the efficiency of our work and securing support for the future.
Network Capacitation – We support Bicycle Mayors and other civil society groups worldwide, and are constantly in need of more time and resources to dedicate to these grassroots groups.
NGO Status
BYCS is an ANBI registered Non-Profit Organisation
Foundation – 17 May 2021
RSIN – 862625178
Barentszplein 3-H, 1013NJ Amsterdam
Deed of Incorporation Financial Report 2022
For more information about partnership or funding please contact