I grew up in and around the small city of Miramichi, New Brunswick. My time was split between my mother’s home in the city and my father’s home in the country but regardless of where I was you could find me riding my bike on the road to visit friends and family and exploring all the trails I could find. From a young age my bike opened a world of adventure and offered me a freedom that I enjoy to this day. I’ve never considered myself the athletic type. I cycle to run errands, to connect with my community, to enjoy life at a human speed, and because it’s better than car payments.
What are your plans as Bicycle Mayor?
I hope to make cycling in Halifax more accessible to everybody. I want children, like my own, to be able to explore the city. I want seniors to feel safe and able to get out and about, to enable them to stay active and engaged in our community. I want to change the idea of who a cyclist is by seeking out and amplifying diverse voices. I want everyone to see Halifax as a cycling city. I’m going to work towards this by advocating for safe and connected cycling infrastructure throughout the city, by collaborating with those that want to make improvements and those who have the means to make them and by celebrating the diversity of riders in our community.
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