Fifteen years ago, driven by a passion for cycling and a firm belief in the potential for societal contribution, Rubi discovered the world of cycling. As she became more involved in the community she and her friends began to notice a pattern – the absence of women in the cycling community.
Motivated to rectify this imbalance, they embarked on a mission to instigate change and provide support to women interested in cycling. This collective effort led to the formation of “Intrépidas,” the first woman-led cycling collective in Morelos, established 2012. Since its inception, Intrépidas has been dedicated to promoting road safety and cultivating a cycling culture for all, with a particular emphasis on women and children. Through initiatives such as free workshops and impactful activities, they strive to not only encourage cycling but also influence public policies on mobility and road safety. Their journey exemplifies a commitment to breaking barriers and fostering inclusivity within the cycling community.
Future Plans
My plans for the future are to have an impact on improving the city’s infrastructure, changing laws and regulations to guarantee road safety for everyone, regardless of the means of transport they use. In getting more people to use bicycles, especially increasing the number of women using this means of transport, raising awareness among society of the rights and obligations we have in the use of the streets is vital. That way whatever means of transport we use, it is done with respect and tolerance for all other forms of mobility.
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