I work as a behavioural scientist at the University of Bath and have written a book called “Transport For Humans” that argues for how transport can become more people-friendly. Having worked in advertising, communications and then the UK Department for Transport, I’ve learnt a lot about what enables and encourages people to travel more sustainably. I always enjoyed cycling as a child, but only started to use a bike for transport when I started a new job fifteen years ago. It suddenly made sense as a great way to get around. If you see me cycling in Bath, wave hello! I might be on my e-bike that helps up the steep hills, or my road bike with the local cycling club, or a rideshare bike for the times it’s easier to leave my own bike at home. I think bicycles are amazing inventions and I want to play a role in making them easier, safer and better for more people to use more often.
What are your plans as Bicycle Mayor?
Bath has a brilliant opportunity to harness e-bikes to make cycling more possible for lots more people and journeys. I’ll be finding ways e-bikes and e-cargo bikes can be made available to try-out, rent and purchase, especially to make them affordable, inclusive and adaptable for more people. Kidical Mass has been a brilliant initiative for our city. It will continue to give more children and young people a chance to show the power of the bike. To make Bath more cycle friendly, I’ll champion the dozens of ‘small but big’ improvements we can make to road and pavement design, cycle storage, bike security, signage, local clubs and more. Working together, Bath can become an even better place for people to use bicycles.
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