Dr. Jignasha Thumar

A gazetted government officer, professor of Microbiology, mother of a sweet girl, life explorer and nature lover who lives Gandhinagar. I believe that health is a natural facet of liveliness – both by definition and realisation. The ancient Indians had attributed the secret of ”jivem shardah shatam” – hundred years of vigorous, healthy, happy and creative life.
I have been involved in endurance cycling for 4 years and have mastered many of the skills involved in the sport. In addition, as a novice runner, I have scaled ultra-distance in merely 7 months. As a resident of the greenest state capital in India, and as a biologist, I have a dream to synchronise and justify the role of cycling in green revolution towards a pollution-free planet.

What are your plans as Bicycle Mayor?

Big changes are inspired by us as individuals!!!
I am passionate about encouraging more women to take up cycling, by educating them on cycling safety and the benefits it offers. Moreover, I will encourage commuting by cycle in school & college campuses, big private corporates offices and government offices. I want my city to recognise the important role cycling can have in health, economy and the overall decrease in carbon emissions. I will increase the number of people, who are healthy both physically and mentally and who are currently living a sedentary lifestyle, by enabling them to switch to active and Cycle-powered life.

