Pan-African Action Plan for Active Mobility
We are working alongside a range of global and regional partners, such as the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), the University of Cape Town (UCT), Ochenuel Mobility, the SADC Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety, and the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP), to support The UN Environment Programme’s (UNEP) efforts to develop a Pan-African Action Plan for Active Mobility (PAAPAM). PAAPAM aims to raise the profile of active mobility as well as highlight the potential role of active mobility in addressing strategic and local priorities, including accessibility to goods and services and improved health and well-being.
Project Launch Webinar
As the partner on global cycling cultures, BYCS role is to provide guidance that ensures the representation of policy measures that can help all people to identify with, access, and feel confident to cycle.
Project Activities
The first consultative meeting for PAAPAM, during the Africa Regional Forum for Action – Inclusive and Active Mobility in a Changing Climate conference in Kigali, Rwanda, brought together 100 senior level members of government, civil society, the private sector and academia addressed long-standing issues, and launched the action plan procedure.
In the upcoming months, Africa’s 54 countries will be engaged in four regional forums to ensure practical knowledge sharing, the development of common priorities and setting of relevant performance indicators. The Plan is set to be drafted in time for COP28 in 2023.
To learn more about this programme please contact: Lucas Snaije, Research & Advocacy Manager –