Kharisma Pandu Pratama

Born in Tangerang, Indonesia, and internationally raised in 7 different car-oriented cities, Kharisma experienced and quickly grew aware of the many issues that derive from rapidly growing urban systems. Currently studying in Groningen, he recently graduated with a BSc in Human Geography & Planning and is completing his second BSc in Spatial Planning & Design. In hopes of understanding how to facilitate various dimensions of urban sustainability through policies and designs.

After interning in Jakarta’s Deputy Governor Department of Spatial Planning & Environment and now living in the Netherlands, he realised the stark differences in urban transit and level of active mobility. Thus, also their impacts in composing a more liveable city. Through a comparative study about Transit-Oriented Development projects, he delved into what robust systems can aid and enable active mobility. In contrast, with his qualitative research, he hopes to shed light on the importance of designing accessible cities with therapeutic landscapes to sustain future generations’ mental health and well-being.

Highly inspired by the Netherlands’ growing efforts and continuous discussions on bicycle infrastructure in urban environments, Kharisma hopes to approach urban change by interning and supporting the Bicycle Mayor Network in BYCS. A network of mayors who are crucial catalysts and collaborators within their local communities in proactively pushing sustainable active mobility within cities.
